Our newest addition to the MATOS Product range offers our clients access to all the fantastic features of the MATOS® Monitoring system without the need for any specialised configuration or software.
The MWM solution is compatible with any brand of Refrigerator, Freezer, Cool-Room or Airspace immediately and no installation required!!
So how does it work?
Place the Temperature Sensor within the Refrigerator / Freezer chamber where you wish to monitor the temperature.
The Base Station is connected to the Internet using an Ethernet cable.
The Base Station receives data wirelessly from the sensor and uploads it to our MATOS® Monitoring Azure Server.
The end user will then have 24/7 Real Time Temperature / Humdity monitoring, SMS/Email alerts when attention is required, and full temperature records online using our MATOS® Monitoring technology.
Please find the link below to the pamphlet for the MWM Kit for further details on this excellent new datalogging solution.
MATOS® Wireless Monitoring (MWM) Kit
Talk to the Ethicheck team today about how we can help you with your Temperature Monitoring requirements.